Self-Care can lead to Maverick success

For college students, self-care might not be at the top of their priority list. But midterms are — or at least they should be — especially as Minnesota State students prepare to focus on exams, projects, papers and presentations. 

So how can students take the time to learn how to manage this upcoming stress and prioritize self-care?

The Maverick Success Program, where the goal is to help MSU students navigate their college lives and succeed academically, has offered to assist. 

“The Maverick Success Workshop: Let’s Talk Self-Care” was hosted by the program Wednesday in the Multicultural Center. Students discussed ways to implement self-care into their routine and how to manage stress. 

Maverick Success mentor Badmus Olaoye explained the workshop consists of self-care as midterms start to creep in. He said the workshop can be “a fundamental aspect of stress management and who you are as a person.”

“We’ll cover things like mindfulness, time-management strategies, and we also talk about physical and mental health that ties into who you are and your school and academic progress. We want students to leave with tools that they can apply right with,” Olaoye said. 

Olaoye notes self-care is a valued aspect that should be prioritized in students’ lives and mentor Hamede Abdulgafur agrees it’s important to talk about self-care on campus, especially for students who can greatly benefit from it. 

“I’m a Computer Engineering major, and with my major, I think I can speak for many of us and just the students in general, there is stress baggage that comes with every assignment, every deadline you have, every 11:59 p.m.,” Abdulgafur said. “With the workshop, it will help you manage stress.”

“College can be overwhelming at times, and without proper self care, stress can build up, and that can lead you down a spiral. It’s about not just treating yourself occasionally,” Olaoye said. “But treating yourself right to help you stay grounded, especially as the school year progresses. For students, it can mean learning how to manage their time, or setting boundaries, or just having a healthy relationship with themselves.”

Olaoye and Abdulgafur both have ways in how they implement self-care into their lives, listing how to build routines and how to keep track of them with goals and reminders. 

“For me personally, it’s a routine I’d have. I’d set goals, reminders, boundaries, and don’t have to be strict on yourself all the time. You can always take a break. You can always take it easier, but it’s good to have a good routine going for yourself to keep you well adjusted. I love mediation too and prayer as well.” Olaoye said. 

“I would say use a journal method. Every night or morning, I would write it on a piece of paper, then write it back on my notebook when I have the time. Writing it down helps me focus on what I have to do, what I have to see, and just go from there,” Abdulgafur said. 

As midterms near and finals coming up in less than seven weeks, Olaoye and Abdulgafur advise on how students can highlight self-care in their lives. 

“Listen to your body and your mind. You inherently know what you need to do and what you don’t need to do. So I’d say just balance. Find a way. You could write it down. You can start by journaling. You can start by talking to people. There’s many ways to get started,” Olaoye said. 

“It’s based on the person. How they translate what self care is. There are different types of self-care. Mentally, physically, socially, spiritually; those are different areas where people can focus their self care,” Abdulgafur said. “I, for example, do it physically, like going to the gym helps me relax. But in the end, it’s how it works for them. To see which method works for them and how they translate it.”

Photo Caption: “The Maverick Success Workshop: Let’s Talk Self-Care” was hosted by the Maverick Success Program Wednesday in the Multicultural Center. (Matt Miller/The Reporter)

Write to Anahi Zuniga at anahi.zuniga@mnsu.edu

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